Monday, May 4, 2009

Accelerated Math 7

This week started with my accelerated math 7 students working on the first part of an integrated math regents. Instead of doing all 30 part one problems, I selected problems that were based on topics we have covered in math seven. Tomorrow I plan to collect their answers and do an item analysis in order to find out which questions were incorrectly answered and how often. Experience has shown that this is an excellent way of demonstrating what my students have learned and what topics need to be reviewed. Wednesday I plan to pass back their squeeze lab quizzes. This lab is a terrific opening for any number of topics we need to cover this year. We will be able to discuss direct correlation, slope, y-intercepts, and move into the general equation of a straight line.

Accelerated Math 8

This week started with my accelerated math 8 students working on the first part of an integrated math regents. Tomorrow I plan to collect their answers and do an item analysis in order to find out which questions were incorrectly answered and how often. Experience has shown that this is an excellent way of demonstrating what my students have learned and what topics need to be reviewed. At this point in the year my accelerated math 8 students have covered all the topics they need for their upcoming regents exam. However, covering the material can be a far cry from learning it. So I plan on spending this week going over whatever topics I think need the most review.