Monday, March 29, 2010

Accelerated Math 7
In Acc. Math 7 we have been spending a great deal of time on fractions. Or at least that's what I tell my students. We have actually been spending time on factoring polynomials. In order to simplify any of the answers they receive in their fraction problems they need to be able to separate a polynomial in two factors that can be used to simplify the fraction. To put it more plainly, they need algebra to finish the problem. Factoring takes an incredible amount practice because the problems can be very similar in solution but look very different in appearance. We will continue to practice factoring on almost every quiz for the rest of the year because I believe it is one of the most challenging topics will cover this year.

Accelerated Math 8
In Acc. Math 8 fractions have been the topic of review. There is an incredible amount of algebra needed to answer their fraction questions. But there are only three methods they need to answer any question.
1) common factor
2) difference of two perfect squares
3) backwards foil
I invite you to make a poster of these and hang it in your young students’ room. They will thank you for this later. Much later.