Sunday, June 13, 2010

Accelerated Math 7
In Accelerated math 7 we will be spending our last weeks reviewing the material we have studied this year. The goal of my math 7 class has been to make my students proficient in at least 60% of the material they will need to know for their Integrated Algebra regents exam next year. Thanks to this year's very special and very intelligent seventh graders, we have surpassed that goal. I hope that all the students in my Accelerated math 7 class decide to continue their challenging work into math 8. Given their current level of maturity and discipline, I have no doubt they will do well.

Accelerated Math 8
The exam we have been preparing to take for the last two years is only a few days away now. We have done nothing but practice and review in the last month. I have run out of questions in their green review books and have chosen to move on to problems that are rarely on the exam because of their level of difficulty. Based on their recent grades and their behavior in class I am expecting a terrific result when these Accelerated math 8 students finally take their tests. Good Luck to you all.