Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Accelerated Math 7

Pool and miniature golf problems have been the focus of our studies in Accelerated Math 7. I have often wondered what went through the minds of anyone walking by my classroom and overhearing my instructions detailing how to put a cue ball in the pocket using a three cushion shot. Little do they know that our current topic is geometry or, more specifically, transformation geometry and that the focus of the lesson is line reflections.

We've also begun reviewing material from the beginning of the school year. This week we will finish discussing review sheet number two.

Accelerated Math 8

About a month ago, I gave each of my Accelerated Math 8 students their very own copy of the green book. The green book is a small paperback that contains the last seven Regents exams. This week we will finish discussing the August 2009 paper. Each night their homework is to complete a specific section of each paper and the next day we go over their answers.

Each of them has also been given a graphing calculator which they will be allowed to use during their Regents exams. Each day I choose several questions and instruct them on the use of their new calculators to solve the problems. My very intelligent Math 8 students often point out that they have discovered an easier way to solve the problem, but as I have pointed out repeatedly, some of the problems I have chosen are simply examples I have chosen to demonstrate the capabilities of their calculators. My goal is to give them several options they can choose from when the time comes to complete the real exam.