Saturday, November 5, 2011

The week of Nov.7th - Nov. 11th, 2011

Math IA

We have an odd week ahead of us due to a conference day on November 8th.  I've decided that the best use of our time might be to spend Monday's class reviewing last week's work on adding and subtracting rational numbers.  That is, adding and subtracting numbers with decimal points, positive or negative signs, or even fractions.  Then Wednesday through Friday I hope to introduce new material on multiplying and dividing rational numbers, the distributor property, and the properties of numbers in general.  For those of you who read these entries, I'd like to give you a little head start on next week’s assignments.  They are as follows;

Multiplying/Dividing Rational Numbers
p73 1-30, 32-57, 63-66

Distributive property
p82 15-46

Properties of Numbers
p88 1-15, 44