Friday, December 28, 2012

Monday, December 10, 2012

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012

Test 5 10 point bonus

How many rotations does a 15 inch radius tire make per second on a sport utility vehicle traveling 70 miles per hour?

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Friday, November 9, 2012

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thursday, October 25, 2012

HW so far

As the end of the quarter approaches, some of my students have asked
me for a list of the homework assignments we have been given
so far.

HW #1 P11-12  1-21 odd, 53-56
HW #3 P20 12,14,19,25-27 and p40-43  3-6, 41-44, 71
HW #4 P40-41  13-25 odd, 33
HW#5 P50-51  2,4,17,19,41,42
HW#6 P64 4,6,10,12,17,25
HW #8 P102 1-8, 9-19 odd Intro to Functions, domain and range
HW #9 P102  21-24, 29-34 Function continuity
HW #10 P102-103  25-28 just max and min, 35-40, 41-53 odd Boundedness and Extrema
HW #11 P103 55-57, 63-66
HW#12 P113-114   1-12, 45, 48, 51, 57 The 12 basic functions
HW #13 P124-125   1-7 odd, 13-17 odd, 23-29 odd Combining functions
HW #14 P135-136  13-21 odd, 27-31 odd
HW #15 pg 147-148 1-12, 21, 22, 25-28 Graphical Transformations
HW #16  pg 161  37 Modeling with Functions
HW #17  pg 182-183 1-7, 45-49 Polynomial Intro and Linear Modeling

Monday, October 15, 2012

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

HW #5

Monday, September 24, 2012

Questions about PreCalc

Precalculus 2012-2013
These are answers to questions I’ve recently been asked regarding my precalculus class this year.

Q: Why change the structure  of the classroom?
A: In an English class, students read a book at home and then come the class for an energetic discussion on the subject. In precalculus this year I would like to do something similar.  Instead of sending students home to struggle with their math homework, I would rather help them with their work during class after they have watched and taken notes from the online lessons I’ve created.  I believe a more differentiated classroom that can attend to the needs of individuals will better help my students develop the 21st century learning skills that they will need in college.

Q: So how will class change?
A:  For some precalculus topics, I’ve been using a variety of software packages to record and edit lectures at home.  Students will be able to watch those lessons for homework while taking notes on a handout I provide in class. Then, in class we are able to do homework problems together. I can walk around the class and help each student one-on-one making better use of the time I am with them, now that I'm not lecturing first. I would like to use the current technology that all students are surrounded with to enhance my precalculus lessons. As I've already told my class, I would like to engage my students using the same technology that they are already engaged in.

Q: When do they need to watch the lessons?
I've met students who are smiling and singing in the morning and then wind down by the end of the day. I've met other students who are just the opposite. I've always felt bad for students who have some of their most difficult classes scheduled at the worst time of day for them. My precalculus students can watch their lessons in the library before they go home or at 11 o'clock at night on the couch with a laptop. In other words it will be up to them to decide the best time to get their homework done.

Q: Would you consider making some changes?   I'm concerned about my child not receiving notes in class and I think they already spend too much time on YouTube.
A:   I have already made two changes last week that I think are for the better and that address these two specific issues. First, I've decided to relocate the presentations I've made to my website rather than providing a link to YouTube.   This way, my math students will be less distracted by ads and videos of cats walking on piano of keys.  Second, I'm going to provide the class with a written outline of each presentation that they can use to record notes while they are watching my instruction on video. Each student can edit these as they see fit and they can be organized in a two pocket folder that I'm happy to provide.

Q: Will my son/daughter be watching online lessons every night?
A: Definitely not. Some classes will be traditional lectures, while others will be lab experiments and group work.

Q:  How long will your lessons be available to view online?
A:  All of my videos should remain posted for the length of this course. I hope my students will view them often and review any material they choose at any time throughout the school year. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

HW #4

Thursday, September 20, 2012

HW #3

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The week of Sept.17th-21st

It has been a busy two weeks.  We spent the first week trying to remember all the algebra we learned in classes past.  Now we are reviewing a variety of math topics, all of which you can see in the videos HW#1-HW#5.  We have a test this Friday and Wednesday next week I plan to begin our work on functions.  

Below, please find the answers to our HW #2 on p20

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The week of Sept. 2nd-8th

This week I set out to ruin the end of the summer for several of my pre-Calc students. I have called several and plan to call several more, of my upcoming math students and ask them to give me their first impressions of my reverse classroom presentations. The instructions were to visit the school website and find my homepage. Then they were to preview one or all of the homework videos and send me an e-mail through the school giving me their review. I'm sure I'll find suggestions concerning points I should change but I'm hoping to also find a few positive comments that I can carry through when I began making my next round of videos.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The week of August 19th-25th

This week I posted videos for the first five homework assignments this year. Before I start posting anymore, I'd like to have several students from my upcoming pre-Calc class beta test them. I hope they'll have some suggestions that I could put to good use. Next week I like to have a letter sent out to all the parents of my pre-Calc students explaining the specifics of a reverse classroom.

Friday, August 10, 2012

The week of August 5th-11th

This week

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The week of May 30th-June 1st

Math IA
Today in class we finished review sheet number six and the topic was percentages.  Our opening problem was to calculate the percentage of the school year there remained.  It turned out to be 4.4%.  All of my math students have been reminded that their final exam will be Wednesday next week and it will consist of all the problems we have done from the review sheets we've been working on a class.  Tomorrow we will finish review sheet number seven.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The week of Jan 9th-Jan 13th

Math IA
If you assume wisdom depends on age, and wisdom is a function of age.  This week we will begin studying the concept of graphs and functions.  This topic will help students build on their knowledge of equations by relating graph to the story it tells and to the equation whose solutions at pictures.  Students will read and use functional notation as a model function rules with tables and graphs.
Some of the assignments we will be completing this week include;
p254 1-10, 18-21
p259 1-23, 32-35
p266 1-9, 15-23, 27-35
p272 1-18, 27-29

Monday, January 2, 2012

The week of Jan. 3rd - Jan 6th, 2012

Math IA

After the Christmas break, we will begin our work with inequalities.  Until now all of our equations have been balanced.  Now we begin to solve unbalanced equations and the number of solutions becomes infinite.  This is going to be quite a change for most of my students.  The assignments we will be completing this week include;
p202 1-32
p208 4-19, 67-72
p215 1-28
p222 1-9, 13-21