Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Accelerated Math 7
The last two weeks of school are all about review. We have revisited every topic we discussed and I plan to finish the year with a few practical labs so they can apply what they have learned. I look forward to seeing them all again in Accelerated Math 8.

Accelerated Math 8
The last four weeks of school have been all about review. We are working our way through previous Integrated Algebra regents exams and ending each week with a quiz on the week’s work. The quiz grades have gotten increasingly better along with their confidence. The regents exam will be on June 19th. Please remember to arrange for transportation from the high school to home on that day.

Thank you all for your support this year.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Accelerated Math 7

This week started with my accelerated math 7 students working on the first part of an integrated math regents. Instead of doing all 30 part one problems, I selected problems that were based on topics we have covered in math seven. Tomorrow I plan to collect their answers and do an item analysis in order to find out which questions were incorrectly answered and how often. Experience has shown that this is an excellent way of demonstrating what my students have learned and what topics need to be reviewed. Wednesday I plan to pass back their squeeze lab quizzes. This lab is a terrific opening for any number of topics we need to cover this year. We will be able to discuss direct correlation, slope, y-intercepts, and move into the general equation of a straight line.

Accelerated Math 8

This week started with my accelerated math 8 students working on the first part of an integrated math regents. Tomorrow I plan to collect their answers and do an item analysis in order to find out which questions were incorrectly answered and how often. Experience has shown that this is an excellent way of demonstrating what my students have learned and what topics need to be reviewed. At this point in the year my accelerated math 8 students have covered all the topics they need for their upcoming regents exam. However, covering the material can be a far cry from learning it. So I plan on spending this week going over whatever topics I think need the most review.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hello class

Monday, March 9, 2009

Accelerated Math 7
This week we are spending most of our class time preparing for the New York State grades 7 math assessments. I have already explained to my students that I have become very selfish with our class time and would prefer to spend it all preparing for their Math A Regents exam. The Regents exam is the goal of their accelerated program and will enable them to begin their high school work with a full year advantage over their classmates and leave the door open for pursuing calculus in high school. However, I have been able to find a number of questions on their assessment tests which make it a useful review for the Regents exams. Therefore, I have been spending class time on assessment questions that overlap their region's curriculum so my hope is they will be very successful on both.

Accelerated Math 8
This week we are spending most of our class time preparing for the New York State grades 8 math assessments. I have already explained to my students that I have become very selfish with our class time and would prefer to spend it all preparing for their Math A Regents exam. The Regents exam is the goal of their accelerated program and will enable them to begin their high school work with a full year advantage over their classmates and leave the door open for pursuing calculus in high school. However, I have been able to find a number of questions on their assessment tests which make it a useful review for the Regents exams. Therefore, I have been spending class time on assessment questions that overlap their region's curriculum so my hope is they will be very successful on both.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Accelerated Math 7
Geometry is one of the most practical topics we will cover in accelerated math 7. Today we finished our review of basic geometric shapes and techniques in calculating the area of each shape. I decided to review coordinate geometry at the same time by asking my students to graph four points and tell me how to calculate the area of the shape. For homework, they were assigned about 20 problems and asked to find the area for each geometric figure.

Accelerated Math 8
Some of the questions on the upcoming math regents exam will give the student a choice of methods to be used to solve a given problem. We have spent quite a bit of time on graphing linear equations. Now we will spend time doing the same problems algebraically. There are two primary methods we use to solve systems of equations algebraically; substitution and elimination. Both techniques let us eliminate one variable and reduce the problem to a much simpler version. I gave my students seven problems to do using each technique out of 14 problems available on a hand out. Several of my students did all the problems because "I really get this stuff". So I decided to award extra credit to anyone who did all the problems and not just the ones aside.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Accelerated Math 7
In statistics, we use several types of graphs to illustrate data. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. In class today the picture was worth about 20 data points that made no sense expressed as a list but made a very clear point when expressed as a box and whisker graph. Then we translated the data into stem and leaf graphs. Finally we drew an example of a histogram just like the ones they will need to do on their exams.

Accelerated Math 8
This year I have a math 8 class that actually gets very emotional and very opinionated about mathematics. It's usually a pleasure to argue with them and today was no exception. We discussed several problems from last night's homework which is a summary of our work in graphing straight lines. The class had many questions and I hope received satisfactory answers. But they didn't agree with everything. They're thinking. And that's great. I hope to finish our discussion of the homework tomorrow.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Accelerated Math 7
Cows and feed were the topic today. The problem today was to take the number of pints produced by ten cows before and after feeding the cows a new feed. We created two Box-and-Whisker graphs to illustrate the difference in output. Then the kids took Quiz 12.

Accelerated Math 8
I wanted to give the class a quiz today but the scores on the last quiz were a little low for this class. I decided to give them a quiz next Friday (Jan 16) and count the larger of the two grades twice.
Today’s material was difficult. It involved using the point-slope form for the equation of a line. I’ve posted short demonstrations of some selected problems for review. Let me know if they help.

Using Point-Slope Formula prob 2
Using Point-Slope Formula prob 3
Using Point-Slope Formula prob 4
Using Point-Slope Formula prob 5
Using Point-Slope Formula prob 8
Using Point-Slope Formula prob 11