Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Accelerated Math 7
In statistics, we use several types of graphs to illustrate data. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. In class today the picture was worth about 20 data points that made no sense expressed as a list but made a very clear point when expressed as a box and whisker graph. Then we translated the data into stem and leaf graphs. Finally we drew an example of a histogram just like the ones they will need to do on their exams.

Accelerated Math 8
This year I have a math 8 class that actually gets very emotional and very opinionated about mathematics. It's usually a pleasure to argue with them and today was no exception. We discussed several problems from last night's homework which is a summary of our work in graphing straight lines. The class had many questions and I hope received satisfactory answers. But they didn't agree with everything. They're thinking. And that's great. I hope to finish our discussion of the homework tomorrow.

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