Friday, January 9, 2009

Accelerated Math 7
Cows and feed were the topic today. The problem today was to take the number of pints produced by ten cows before and after feeding the cows a new feed. We created two Box-and-Whisker graphs to illustrate the difference in output. Then the kids took Quiz 12.

Accelerated Math 8
I wanted to give the class a quiz today but the scores on the last quiz were a little low for this class. I decided to give them a quiz next Friday (Jan 16) and count the larger of the two grades twice.
Today’s material was difficult. It involved using the point-slope form for the equation of a line. I’ve posted short demonstrations of some selected problems for review. Let me know if they help.

Using Point-Slope Formula prob 2
Using Point-Slope Formula prob 3
Using Point-Slope Formula prob 4
Using Point-Slope Formula prob 5
Using Point-Slope Formula prob 8
Using Point-Slope Formula prob 11

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